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sports performance testing & research Institute


Active Training Vitals


Testing static data from an athlete is critical and can mean the difference in performance gains and improvements or not.  But imagine being able to test and track data from that same athlete during practice, training and competition and compare O2 saturation levels,  heart rate and many other data points including sleep patterns and behaviors combined with the static data.   This gives us a entirely new insight into the athlete's body.



​Why would you track active vitals?  As an athlete improvements are always welcome during training and competition, but understanding what may have led to them are sometimes elusive.   By actively tracking vitals of your heart rate, O2 saturation and other levels including sleep before your actual competition, athletes get a better insight into the factors that may have given them more energy, strength or speed.



Who is active training vitals recommended for?  Tracking your active vitals during training, practice or competition can provide insight into performance lags or improvements.   Therefore every serious athlete is a candidate for this type of testing.



How often should you track your vitals?  As your reach the higher levels of competition its important to discover the factors involved in why your performance improved or not.  Vital tracking should be done all the time.



​Which body parts are tested?  Active vitals testing tracks several bodies systems including sleep patterns to help determine if rest of sleep is a contributing factor in performance and recovery.



What are the results of this test?  The results of active vitals testing alone are impressive, but when compared with performance outcomes and other advanced tests an athlete will begin to isolate key factors in performance gains.  Put simply understanding how much sleep or rest your body needs before a competition may sound trivial, but your results will be greatly impacted if you go to far out of the healthy range your body needs.



 What does this help to improve?  By tracking active vitals during training, practice or competition an athlete is able to gain useful insights into where their levels should be to compete at their best.




© Energize Sports Performance Testing

5201 Spire Circle

Geneva | Ohio | 44041


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